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Textbook: Writing for Statistics and Data Science

If you are looking for my textbook Writing for Statistics and Data Science here it is for free in the Open Educational Resource Commons. Wri...

Saturday 9 November 2019

Basketball Data Science with Applications in R - An Advance Review

My overall impression of "Basketball Data Science" is that it's exactly the sort of book I would recommend to an instructor or able student of statistics in sport. Most of my criticisms are because it's not the book I imagine I would have written, not because the book isn't good.

Friday 8 November 2019

Postmortems from 'Game Developer', a book review

"Postmortems from 'Game Developer'", edited by Austin Grossman is a collection of after-the-fact analyses of popular video games that had been recently developed and sold. The analyses are all written by senior members of each game's development team, and usually the game's head creator. "Postmortems" was published in 2003, so the games being analyzed include Diablo 2, Age of Empires, System Shock 2, and Black and White.

I purchased my copy from a thrift store in 2016, which had a suggested Canadian price of $42. This copy had several discount stickers on it, one of which had the book for sale for $0.84, a 98% discount.