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Textbook: Writing for Statistics and Data Science

If you are looking for my textbook Writing for Statistics and Data Science here it is for free in the Open Educational Resource Commons. Wri...

Friday 25 May 2018

Analyzing Jeopardy in R - Part 2

My previous Jeopardy analyzer was built using a base of about 30 daily Coryat scores. This one has more than 1600 scores that were either recorded directly, e-mailed to me, or scraped from the forum at jboard.tv . Here we look at the consistency of tournament effects for different at-home players, and some long-term trends.

Thursday 17 May 2018

Reading Assignment - Grant Applications

The purpose of this reading assignment is to give you a sense of the sort of things that someone consulting a statistician will want to know.

Read Chapter 22 – Writing the Data Analysis Plan, by A.T. Panter, of the book How to Write a Successful Research Grant Application – A Guide for Social and Behavioral Scientists, Eds.
Pequegnat et al., 2nd ed., and answer the questions that appear after the preliminary notes.

Tuesday 15 May 2018

I read this: Chess Variants and Games for Intellectual Development and Amusement

Chess Variants and Games for Intellectual Development and Amusement by AV Murali is not a book about Chess. If it's about anything it's about geometry, puzzles, and education. It’s like Hoyle’s Book of Games but instead of well-established games, it has speculative and creative modifications to chess.